A downloadable Game


"Psychopomp, an entity tasked with guiding the souls of the departed to heaven’s paradise or drag them to hell’s dungeon.

On the 27th Shivat of 5785 in the Hebrew calendar, an argument  between the Creator of all and the Fallen Angel occured. The latter, who is also known as the King of Hell, provoked a series of events, among them a small explosion in the soul collector, snatching the souls of a small village deep in the forest. 

The Almighty immediately ordered the Psychopomp to return the souls of those innocent people. "

Psychopomp is a 3D Video Game created for the Global Game Jam 2022. The theme of this Game Jam was Duality, which we managed through day and night.

The objective of the game is to collect the colored souls and return them to their respective bodies. The Psychopomp can collect souls during the night and return them during the day. It can also change its shape to camouflage itself among people or fly. 





Psychopomp Executable 45 MB


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En general luce muy bonito, pero no entiendo muy bien cual es el objetivo para terminar el juego, la idea es interesante y la estética es muy limpia, además la otra forma del personaje me hizo pensar en el "sin cara" que aparece en el viaje de Chihiro, la idea pone en un "mood" muy padre al ambiente del juego, espero algún día puedan darle esa ultima pulida para que se sienta redondo, un saludo!!